Every time you obtain a new Linux shared web hosting package, it's created on a server and the overall process will take a while, including the validation and processing of your transaction, which most companies make manually. When you get a dedicated server, for instance, the installation takes even longer because the machine needs to be assembled, installed and tested to make sure that it will function the right way. That's why, the majority of suppliers have a one-time cost in order to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The fee, which can sometimes be high, is often not listed on the front page, yet you'll notice it on the checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be aware of it before you've already gone through the entire registration process and you may even overlook it unless you pay close attention.

Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting

If you get a shared web hosting plan via us, the final price that you'll have to pay during the checkout will be exactly the same as the cost you have already noticed on our front page and on any other page on our web site. The payment processing and the account generation on our powerful cloud hosting platform are almost completely automatic, so we think that charging you any setup costs will be very unreasonable. Even if you get several accounts at a time, you will not need to spend anything for their setup or for any other concealed fees for that matter. It is our belief that being honest to each customer since the beginning is way more important than obtaining a few extra dollars.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server plans do not have any sort of setup fees, so if you obtain your new account, your total fee for the first month is exactly the same as for the future renewals. Due to the fact it takes us a few min to set up and activate a new semi-dedicated account, we believe that it would not be justified to charge you anything for that. You'll see the very same amount on our home page, on your payment page and also on your bank or PayPal statement and you won't ever need to pay any kind of extra costs. If you have an ordinary shared hosting account with our company and you need a more powerful alternative, we will even relocate all your content to the brand new semi-dedicated account without charge.